Text Gradient Scroll

The text gradient scroll component is designed to enhance user interaction by providing a visually dynamic effect as the user scrolls through the text. Unlike static text, this effect offers a more engaging visual experience with smooth color transitions that change as the text is scrolled. The animated gradient shifts add a modern and interactive touch to the user experience. This example was created using Tailwind CSS and Framer Motion.

Install the following dependencies:

npm i framer-motion clsx tailwind-merge

Add util file

import { ClassValue, clsx } from 'clsx';
import { twMerge } from 'tailwind-merge';

export function cn(...inputs: ClassValue[]) {
  return twMerge(clsx(inputs));

Copy and paste the following code into your project.

"use client";

import React, { createContext, useContext, useRef } from "react";
import { useScroll, useTransform, motion, MotionValue } from "framer-motion";
import { cn } from "@/lib/utils";

type TextOpacityEnum = "none" | "soft" | "medium";
type ViewTypeEnum = "word" | "letter";

type TextGradientScrollType = {
  text: string;
  type?: ViewTypeEnum;
  className?: string;
  textOpacity?: TextOpacityEnum;

type LetterType = {
  children: React.ReactNode | string;
  progress: MotionValue<number>;
  range: number[];

type WordType = {
  children: React.ReactNode;
  progress: MotionValue<number>;
  range: number[];

type CharType = {
  children: React.ReactNode;
  progress: MotionValue<number>;
  range: number[];

type TextGradientScrollContextType = {
  textOpacity?: TextOpacityEnum;
  type?: ViewTypeEnum;

const TextGradientScrollContext = createContext<TextGradientScrollContextType>(

function useGradientScroll() {
  const context = useContext(TextGradientScrollContext);
  return context;

export default function TextGradientScroll({
  type = "letter",
  textOpacity = "soft",
}: TextGradientScrollType) {
  const ref = useRef<HTMLParagraphElement>(null);
  const { scrollYProgress } = useScroll({
    target: ref,
    offset: ["start center", "end center"],

  const words = text.split(" ");

  return (
    <TextGradientScrollContext.Provider value={{ textOpacity, type }}>
      <p ref={ref} className={cn("relative flex m-0 flex-wrap", className)}>
        {words.map((word, i) => {
          const start = i / words.length;
          const end = start + 1 / words.length;
          return type === "word" ? (
            <Word key={i} progress={scrollYProgress} range={[start, end]}>
          ) : (
            <Letter key={i} progress={scrollYProgress} range={[start, end]}>

const Word = ({ children, progress, range }: WordType) => {
  const opacity = useTransform(progress, range, [0, 1]);

  return (
    <span className="relative me-2 mt-2">
      <span style={{ position: "absolute", opacity: 0.1 }}>{children}</span>
      <motion.span style={{ transition: "all .5s", opacity: opacity }}>

const Letter = ({ children, progress, range }: LetterType) => {
  if (typeof children === "string") {
    const amount = range[1] - range[0];
    const step = amount / children.length;

    return (
      <span className="relative me-2 mt-2">
        {children.split("").map((char: string, i: number) => {
          const start = range[0] + i * step;
          const end = range[0] + (i + 1) * step;
          return (
            <Char key={`c_${i}`} progress={progress} range={[start, end]}>

const Char = ({ children, progress, range }: CharType) => {
  const opacity = useTransform(progress, range, [0, 1]);
  const { textOpacity } = useGradientScroll();

  return (
        className={cn("absolute", {
          "opacity-0": textOpacity == "none",
          "opacity-10": textOpacity == "soft",
          "opacity-30": textOpacity == "medium",
          transition: "all .5s",
          opacity: opacity,


import TextGradientScroll from "@/components/ui/text-gradient-scroll";

export default function TextGradientScrollExample() {
  return (
    <TextGradientScroll text="The text gradient scroll component is designed to enhance user interaction by providing a visually dynamic effect as the user scrolls through the text. Unlike static text, this effect offers a more engaging visual experience with smooth color transitions that change as the text is scrolled. The animated gradient shifts add a modern and interactive touch to the user experience. This example was created using Tailwind CSS and Framer Motion." />


textstringThe text content to display with gradient effect.
classNamestringOptional CSS class for styling the component.
type"letter" | "word""letter"Determines the type of animation, whether it applies to letters or words.
textOpacity"none" | "soft" | "medium""soft"Sets the opacity level for the text: none, soft, medium, or strong.